The kitchen is ever evolving

The kitchen is ever evolving

The kitchen is ever evolving. Builders, architects, designers and realtors all recognize this, as do kitchen manufacturers. Kitchen functionality and design is ever evolving based on today’s busy and varied lifestyle, with much thought given to where we are deaded in the future. Kitchen appliances, from refrigerators to dishwashers and ovens are constantly changing as well. New products, concepts and designs emerge into the marketplace every year. Perhaps the best example of this is the Kitchen of 2063 that I highlighted here. Kitchens are also becoming more environmentally friendly, using recycled materials, environmentally friendly products and incorporating “greener” lifestyles that cut down on our footprint. For example, in the UK garbage disposals have been banned and composting is a must in every home. Modern kitchens are being designed with this in mind.

Keeping your kitchen clean

Keeping your kitchen clean, including worktops and chopping boards, is essential to keep food safe. Otherwise bacteria can grow and spread.


It’s very important to keep worktops and chopping boards clean because they touch the food you are going to eat. If they aren’t properly clean, bacteria could spread to food and make you ill.

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